Great sleep is about feeling awake, alive, and positive during the day.

If you have problems with sleep, it’s draining your health and happiness. That’s because poor sleep is a result of three things you may not have realized. 

These are; Habits that affect your sleep and health; Mental patterns that undermine your peace, happiness, and success in life; Lifestyle factors imposed on us by society, but that we can do something about.

Poor sleep can be seen as a wake-up call.

To regain health

To develop a peaceful mind

To rectify harmful factors in how we live

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Three Main Struggles With Adult Sleep Problems and Insomnia

There are three underlying causes to poor sleep

These causes are not your fault! We live in a society that perpetuates these patterns for most people with sleep problems.

Here’s why you suffer…

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Adult sleep Coaching Consultation Therapy Struggles

You Can’t Sleep

You are at war with your mind.

 When you go to bed, you start thinking. Then you get stressed, preventing sleep.

This becomes a vicious cycle. Almost every night.

You have unlearned sleep. You have taught your body and mind to stay in constant vigilance and to not trust sleep.

Adult sleep Coaching Consultation Therapy Imbalance

You Don’t Feel Rested

Your habits are interfering with sleep.

If your routine is inconsistent or structured ineffectively, this can impair your body and mind’s ability to get deep restful sleep.

You may be “running on empty”, always driven but not able to rest.

Adult sleep Coaching Consultation Therapy Disconnect

You Are Always Tired

Lifestyle factors interfere with sleep.

You are out of touch with natural ecosystems and rhythms. This is true of almost everyone in our society. You are not alone.

But this is causing you poor quality sleep. You may sleep but you feel tired and unrefreshed. You have no energy.

Photo: Hilary Samuel. Founder, Asleep at Last (learn more about Hilary here)


Depending on your unique pattern, solutions may involve:

Decluttering the mental patterns that keep you up at night and cause you stress

Relearning sleep by training your body and mind

Integrating simple lifestyle practices that support your body’s natural ability to sleep


“Now I consistently sleep 7-8 hours every night!”

“I was consistently waking up early, around 4 am with racing thoughts and anxiety. Some nights I'd wake up in the middle of the night unable to go back to sleep. I was exhausted all the time, which made it difficult to get work done and take care of my family. When I don't sleep well, it spills into everything.

Now, after attending a program with Asleep at Last, I consistently sleep 7-8 hours every night. I wake up feeling rested and refreshed. I'm able to focus on my work and take care of my family. I am so grateful to Hilary and the tools she's taught me. This is so much more than tips and tricks. The information and tools are presented in a digestible manner and Hilary is so understanding and empathetic. “

-Katherine Kozioziemski

Get Sleep Help with Hilary Samuel - Step 1 Consultation

Step 1
Let’s Talk

Start with a 20-minute FREE discovery session to find out what's wrong with your sleep.

Get Sleep Help with Hilary Samuel Step 2 Therapy Options

Step 2
Understand Your Options

I will assess what is happening with your sleep and provide therapy recommendations.


Step 3
Get Sleep Help

Professional private coaching and programs customized to your diagnosis and unique needs.


“Hilary was very supportive and was genuinely invested in my success.”

“I decided to participate in Hilary’s program after years of terrible insomnia. I always fell asleep easily, but invariably woke up somewhere between 12 a.m. – 2 p.m. and was awake for two or more hours. I was somewhat skeptical about the probability of success but decided that I had to at least give it a try. Fast forward eight weeks – and I am delighted to report that this program has truly changed the way I sleep. I genuinely enjoyed working with Hilary who was very supportive throughout the process and made me feel like she was genuinely invested in my success. Sweet dreams!”

-Ginny Biesiad

Sleep is the foundation of physical, mental and spiritual health.

Sleep & Spiritual Health

This word means different things to each of us. But I think we can all agree that spiritual health includes a connection to our personal sense of “spirit”.

This is what gets you out of bed in the morning with a bounce, excited for the day. It is your motivation, your faith in the world, the reason behind tackling big things, supporting a cause, and caring about what happens in the world.

What undermines this sense of spirit?

The mental patterns that keep us stuck, fearful, stressed, and alone. And awake at night.

In order to sleep you need to feel peaceful; In order to feel peaceful, you need to sleep.

I will help you unclog the roadblocks that get in the way of the peacefulness you need for sleep.

Sleep & Mental Health

Sleep is essential for mental health. Over time, lack of adequate sleep can lead to dementia.

This is because every night, the brain clears itself of toxins. This only happens during deep sleep.

Dreams are essential for mental health. In fact, dreaming is like overnight therapy, allowing you to process emotions from the previous day. People with chronic sleep problems tend towards depression and anxiety.

Without good sleep, the early warning signs are brain fog, forgetfulness, and confusion.

Great sleep protects your mental fitness. This is your alertness, ability to perform at work, your capacity to learn. Great sleep keeps you mentally healthy by soothing your emotional life.

I help you get back the sharp, alert thinking mind that you thought you’d lost.

Sleep & Physical Health

Sleep is necessary for physical health. Chronic poor sleep is linked with diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

But you don’t need to wait for years to feel the effects of poor sleep. One poor night of sleep drains your energy and resilience. It flattens your immune system. After a few weeks or months of poor sleep, you feel low in energy and lacking in motivation.

During deep sleep, the body goes through a nightly detox, and the immune system works on overdrive. There is a physical reason why you feel drained with chronic poor sleep.

Discover how sleep is a rejuvenating tonic for physical health. You will feel energized and resilient.

Sleep & Health

When you address your sleep with the Asleep at Last Signature System, you will take great strides in all three areas of your being.

You will feel peaceful (spiritual health)

You will be alert (mental health)

Your body will be rejuvenated (physical health)

It has been a great thing for me to have worked with Hilary Samuel.  For many years I have had issues with sleep which was like a disability that dominated my life.  Hilary was able to politely hold me accountable and kindly prompted me to change my counterproductive sleep habits.   I now feel better than I have in 15 years!  I would recommend her to anyone wishing to increase their quality of life with good sleep.    

- Kelly Williams

 Struggling with sleepless nights?

Find out how to turn off your mind and get to sleep.

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